The marmots, small rodents typical for the Alps, are easy to observe and approach on the sentier des marmottes in Eygliers, a small hiking path at the foot of Mont Dauphin, created to let you discover these wonderful animals.
This is spot you don’t want to miss if you’d like to meet these wonderfull animals with your children.

The path of only a few hundred meters starts off at a parking lot, at the entrance of Eygliers Gare, at the foot of Mont Dauphin. A small climb and you’ll reach some grass fields where marmots have decided to settle a couple of years ago..
And they seem to like their spot, and allow you to aproach them fairly easily, they don’t mind being photographed at all. Don’t get too close though, they do have a frightening set of teeth.

At the beginning of the hiking path, you’ll see a signpost with some information on the path and on the marmots.
The text clearly explains that marmots are wild animals that we should not feed. They are fully capable of taking care of themselves, they can find plenty of food in their natural surroundings.
Let’s respect this instruction, to keep the marmots in good health, in that way families that are coming after us also have a chance of admiring these wonderful animals …